See How You Can Use Google Hangouts in Your Small Business Google Hangouts were made to take advantage of the best of both video and social media, by creating a platform where you and your audience can interact and educate. Unlike most traditional webinar platforms it...
How to Write Killer Headlines That Get The Click The simple fact of the matter is that headlines really do matter. They are the first and oftentimes only chance to hook your reader into what you are trying to say, and in many cases, sorry to say, great content gets...
What You Need to Know About Google My Business It may appear to you, as it does to many, that every time we turn around there’s a new local initiative from Google. Now it’s called Google My Business, and before I get any snarkier, let me say that it looks...
Why Isn’t Your Content Going Viral? You work your tail off getting your content to a point where you feel as though the Pope himself is going to be in awe, but when you post it, it has all the impact of a bowl of wet noodles. Of course there are no guarantees...
Mobile’s Time is Now When the bare fact is that more than 75 percent of us can’t part ways with our smartphone to visit the bathroom, it’s time to grasp we are indeed a mobile-obsessed generation. It has so intricately woven itself into our everyday...