Landing Pages

Landing Pages

6 elements of a Converting Landing Page Making an attractive landing page is no longer a task for the dark arts of the web designers. Nowadays using one of the easy available landing page creators, that happen to be drop dead easy to use, you could have a...
Google Pigeon Update

Google Pigeon Update

What to Make of the Recent Google Pigeon Update for Local Local search had been spared much volatility since the Hummingbird update last fall, but that’s all changed now with the Pigeon update. The stated aim of this update is to more closely tie local results...
Facebook For Business

Facebook For Business

Playing Nice on Facebook: Business Do’s and Don’ts We all know that Facebook has an incredible reach, and that it has enormous potential for your business. What you may not know is how you can effectively use Facebook in your business. There are however,...
LinkedIn Mistakes To Avoid

LinkedIn Mistakes To Avoid

How to Avoid Making These 7 LinkedIn Mistakes LinkedIn has quickly become a social media giant among professional and business people. The days of it being merely a place to dump your resume are long past, as LinkedIn now drives four times as many visitors to your...
Getting More From Social Media

Getting More From Social Media

Need More Clicks form Your Social Media Posts? Social media is a wonderful thing, and while it can be a challenge to work it into your day, it can reap rewards that didn’t exist even a few years ago. So after all your effort to make sure that you’re...