Getting Started with Social Media Marketing If you haven’t yet embraced the fact that you’ll be needing social media marketing from here forward, well, I hope you have a Plan B for your online survival. The truth is that social media is pervasive now in...
7 Great Tips for Your Facebook Business Paqes By this time most small businesses have gotten the news that if you want any significant amount of social media traffic coming to your site then you have to have a Facebook business page. However it’s simply not good...
7 Ways to Make Your Social Media Efforts Pay Off The allure of social media marketing for business is the promise that lies in the reach and virality you can achieve if you do it right. Within that sentence lies the rub: you have to do it right! Would that it were as...
Using Social Proof to Help Generate More Sales There’s something elemental in the influence that others have over the sales process. People want to know that they’re not alone in liking or purchasing a product or service, and will crave the opinion of...
Check Out How to Use Social Proof to Your Advantage If you really have no clue what the concept of social proof is all about, let’s define it right now. Social proof is the idea that people will shape and conform their ideas and beliefs to the prevailing wisdom...
Look at How Small Businesses are Employing Social Media It wasn’t too long ago that small business considered social media nothing more than a time-sucking distraction; something to keep the employees from whiling away their days upon. Not any longer. Now...