Why You Desperately Need a Company Blog!

When sustained damage could come from a malicious tweet and be sent around the web within seconds, you must make sure you have a plan in place to cope with any damage that may have been done, and to prevent it from growing. This is the art of online reputation management.

What can you do in order to actively safeguard your online reputation?

Far and away the most effective line of defense with regards to your online reputation is making effective and regular use of your company blog. Posting fresh and relevant content can help eliminate any affects from the occasional negative social media entry, and provide you with additional search benefits at the same time! In s study by Econsultancy and Adobe, content marketing is deemed the number one priority for online marketers in 2013, and it can also be a great tool for reputation management.

Why posting on your blog makes a difference

Posting routinely to your company blog has a number of benefits, from having a forum you control to announce new products, build relationships, establish authority and more. But for the purposes we’re discussing here, the best way that your blog will make a difference is that posts made here will dominate the search results relating to your brand. Google will see your blog posts as more authoritative than the occasional tweet or Facebook posting, and will rank them higher in the search results. Which means that most if not all negative entries will most likely end up buried far down, away from searching eyes. The only time this might not be the case is in the case of a major flare-up that is getting LOTS of attention, in that case you’ll be forced to take additional measures together with posting to your blog.

5 Blogging best practices to get started

  1. Make sure you post at least several times a week. This will also considerably boost the amount of content you have distributed on the internet touting your brand.
  2. Employ smart use of keywords that you would like to be found in search for, along with your brand name.
  3. Be interesting! Use personality, current events and aim for shareable content.
  4. Be sure to merge with your social media channels, by linking out to them and viceversa.
  5. Be yourself! Even if you are a business, you don’t want to sound like one!