How to Craft Your Web Sales Copy with Great Copywriting

Copywriting is really an art, and if you don’t believe me, ask anyone who’s been tasked to create a sales page. The interplay between words and emotion, products and psychology is a craft, and should not be tried at home.

Being able to craft wonderful copy that moves and sells is one task you absolutely need to get better at, regardless of your niche. All of us want and need something for our web business, whether that’s simply more leads, more sales or more clicks. So how do you go about making your copywriting deliver the results? Here are 7 copywriting tips that can help you get closer to your goals!

7 Ways to strengthen your copywriting skills

Become a storyteller – Crafting s great story that reels your reader into a universe they are desperate to enter will leave them eager to hear, see or buy more.

Focus on benefits – The primary thing you have to remember about your readers is that they need to know what’s in it for them. They really don’t care what number of features your product or service has; they want to know how it will make their life better.

Make it valuable all by itself – If your reader comes away with the feeling that they’ve already received a lot of value simply by reading your content, you’ve got them exactly where you want them.

Employ questions to set the tone – If you can weave in questions that have them shaking their head “Yes” to all your points, you’ve managed to get it them into the proper mindset for saying yes to whatever else you might want to ask. (Hint, hint)

Inject emotion – Using emotion in your copy is a tested method to get your reader to take action, buy into whatever you’re saying or selling, and making a connection with you.

Write longer content – Currently the pages found on Page One of Google are running over 2,000 words. Longer, in-depth pieces that offer value and insight are what the readers want, and what Google wants to rank well.

Encourage and promote social sharing – There is more opportunity than ever before to have your content reach way beyond your own pages. Encourage and facilitate social sharing, and you’ll reap the benefits.