Pinterest Is about to Be Your New Best Friend (Seriously)
Hey, I get it: you’re too damn busy to keep up with yet another social network. But I’d be remiss if I didn’t let you know about how small businesses are crushing it with Pinterest, a visually pleasing social network in which users share (or “pin”) photos of things that appeal to them. This upstart social platform has become a terrific place to…
- Meet new customers
- Boost website traffic
- Increase brand awareness
- Drive sales activity
So let’s run through the reason why this visual social network so cool—and so effective as an effective marketing strategy.
Visually appealing! Less whining!
Instead of concentrating on the details of day-to-day living like Twitter and Facebook manage to, Pinterest encourages users to share their interests—fashion, art, food, crafts, architecture, cocktail recipes, design, you name it—with other like-minded folks. Here’s a quote from Copyblogger contributor Beth Hayden that I thought was both funny and illustrative: “Pinterest is visually appealing, positive, and unlike Facebook, there isn’t any whining.” Hallelujah, right?
Why marketers are so jazzed about Pinterest
For starters, the website is wildly popular. Just last year, in a five month span, Pinterest rocketed to a jaw-dropping 10 million users. Nobody was expecting it. Even social media watchers were caught off guard. Virtually overnight Pinterest became a MAJOR driver of online traffic. Get this: Pinterest drives more traffic than YouTube, Google and LinkedIn—combined. Here’s another thing: users love Pinterest. They can’t get enough of it. It’s addictive. As per comScore data Pinterest users average 89 minutes per month on the site and Google users average just 3 minutes per month.
What does this mean for local businesses?
Why should businesses like yours concern yourself with Pinterest? It’s easy to understand. First of all, the website is a low-key, non-threatening method to meet potential customers who are enthusiastic about what you’re interested in! This built-in permission helps you build new relationships with folks inside your target market. Secondly, Pinterest is a wonderful place showcase your products, stay top of mind and grow your “tribe” of like-minded folks. Just create an account. You’ll see all types of businesses on the site, such as…
- Architecture firms
- Hot dog stands
- Thrift stores
- Jewelers
- Yoga studios
- Cabinet makers
- Bowling alleys
The list is just about endless.
Ready, set, pin!
Most businesses quickly think of explanations why they shouldn’t use social media—but the fact is, many sell themselves short and don’t get involved because they don’t think they have a natural place in a particular network. Now, if you run an accounting business, maybe Pinterest isn’t the perfect fit, but then again, it’s entirely possible that you might be a trailblazer and use Pinterest to market your business and have great success. Hey, if a plumbing franchise in Waco, Texas can make Pinterest help their business, you can too! It’s way too easy to sell yourself short and come up with reasons to stay on the sidelines!