Check Out The Type of Subject Lines that Get Opened the Most!
It’s a well-known fact that emails that don’t get opened never get acted on. Now that we’ve had our daily thought from Capt. Obvious, it’s time to really look at what types of email subject lines can lead to higher open rates and subsequently, more actions taken on your offers and content.
Your task is to know which these are and use them and resist the urge to get clever and try and employ clickbait and other tactics that may in fact work against you. It’s far better to deal in truth, and make use of proven subject line types that employ sound principles to get your emails opened. Here are 7 of the top opened types of email subject lines.
7 Email subject lines that consistently get higher open rates!
Benefit: Everyone wants to know what’s in it for them. Benefit laden subject lines usually suggest a promise, often with an element of time involved. (Everyone also wants it yesterday!) An example would be “Create a second income stream in less than 30 days!”
Ask Questions: By doing so you’re begging a response that often gets answered by them opening the email to find the answer. “Do you really have time to do all this work yourself?”
How-To: Information is golden, and assuming your audience is the least bit interested in your subject, many will want to find out “How to make a Killer Bacon Omelette in 7 Minutes and 15 Seconds!”
Targeted: If you can target by either name or particular interest, you’ll cut right to the chase: “Only open if you’re an investor sick of paying too much for trades!”
Lists and Tips: In this day and age of zero time for tasks, helpful lists trick and infographics work wonders for your open rates. It’s a simple way to do research for the time-challenged.
Employ Superlatives: The words “Fastest”, “Easiest” and “Best” when injected into your subject lines are enticing for those who want the knowledge but haven’t the time or know-how to search for it.
Answers: Frequently email subject lines that provide answers for common questions in your market are top openers. “10 Reasons Why You Aren’t Getting Paid What You’re Worth!”
Try using some of these types of subject lines and see your open rates soar!