10 Great Reasons to Consider Marketing on Pinterest
Pinterest has become a very powerful and influential social network almost since inception. What’s more, it has also become a very lucrative marketing channel for those innovative enough to take advantage of it.
Not convinced? Well then take a gander at 10 impressive reasons why you’ll want to think about using Pinterest in your marketing mix sooner rather than later!
10 Great reasons to use Pinterest for marketing
- A LOT of buyers! – Evidence is revealing that almost half of people (47 percent) who shop online were influenced by a recommendation from someone on Pinterest.
- It’s not only a social media site – Pinterest users want to buy. Recent e-commerce statistics indicate that Pinterest gets a 41 percent share of buyers, leading social media behemoth Facebook, which is next at 37 percent!
- They buy more! – Average purchase statistics show that the buyers from Pinterest leave with $80, and the Facebook buyers check out with only $40.
- They hang around for a while – Users originating from Pinterest don’t simply hit the site and bounce. In fact, they spend an astonishing 4X more time on the site than do users at LinkedIn!
- It’s wildly popular – Pinterest has exploded into the 16th most popular site in the U.S, and is showing no signs of slowing.
- Becoming a retailer’s dream – The ease with which retailers can share images of products and promotions has led to an astonishing 90 percent of US online specialty retailers using Pinterest, up 81 percent from 2012.
- Pinterest are more affluent – An average income of a Pinterest user is over $100,000, while just 10 percent of users earn less than $30,000 per year.
- They love rewards and deals – A solid 50 percent of moms said they would follow a brand on Pinterest if they were presented rewards or deals.
- Pins can go viral – It doesn’t take much for your Pin to go viral, as more than 80 percent of Pins are Repins!
- Trusted authority – In an exceedingly short period of time, Pinterest has garnered the trust of women online, where 81 percent of them view Pinterest as a trustworthy site.