Check Out the Basics of a Good Press Release

Creating a great press release doesn’t need to be difficult. A good press release will help you attract more visitors to your product or service. Reaching the target audience becomes quite simple when you follow certain guidelines which are important for crafting great press releases.

Do things in the format expected and if your event is newsworthy and exciting, expect to see good results. Try to reinvent the wheel, and you’ll get a lot of nothing for your efforts.

Let’s look at several best practices when it comes to creating an effective press release.

How to Create a Winning Press Release

An Attention-Getting Headline – Your headline has to do a few very important tasks for you. First it has to be attention-grabbing, emotional, and encourage the reader to learn more.

Second, you should opt for shorter, preferably 60 characters in length, as this is how much of your headline Google will show in the search results when it gets indexed. Also, remember that you may want to fit your company name and possibly a keyword or two in there.

Short Body Copy – Shoot to make your press release a one-pager. The primary aim here is to have the reader to want and seek out more information by contacting you, not to present it all on this PR.

Intelligent Linking – You often have limited opportunities to link out, so use these wisely. Link to relevant pages on your site, and any other resources that are directly applicable.

Informational and Not Promotional – This one is hard to make yourself do on occasion. This is not a sales letter, but a tool to help get the word out about your event or product. The goal here is to inform and lead, not sell. In fact, your PR may get kicked back if it is deemed too promotional.

Insert Correct Contact Information – If you don’t include or display accurate contact information, you will have just wasted a good amount of money and time. Here’s your opportunity to have people who read this contact you, so make sure it is all current and accurate.

Follow these basic guidelines and you’ll find that not only will you be writing and submitting more press releases, but the traffic, links and search engine listings you’ll get are well worth the effort.