See How to Come Up with a Viable Content Marketing Plan

You’ve heard it a million times, but the truth is, content is still very much King. Google loves to rank new fresh purposeful content, and most businesses fail at least in part due to a dire lack of content.

And it’s not just words. It’s a lot of them, authoritative and compelling, original and unique that drive both search engine rankings and traffic. It’s also many other sources of content, particularly visual that gets the job done.

But how can we make this happen? The simplest and best way is by the creation of a content marketing plan, which helps you to maintain a steady stream of content flowing into your site, and giving you better search rankings while doing so. Let’s take a look at four steps toward developing a workable content marketing plan.

Creating your content marketing plan

Find your audience and provide them with what they want – All businesses have a unique audience all their own, and yours does as well. You need to identify who they are by creating your own customer “avatar” and understanding what they need.

Choose your types of content – You aren’t restricted to only blog posts; you have the whole content world at your feet these days. Never has it been so easy to create so many different varieties of web content, such as videos, podcasts, unique imagery, infographics, webinars and more. Pick which forms work best for you and start producing.

Create an editorial calendar and follow it – This part is key: be sure you commit to a publishing schedule and adhere to it. Schedule your content in advance, to ensure that not only does it get done, but so that it can coordinate with promotions, product launches and other activities you have going on in your business.

Market your content – Simply creating it isn’t enough, you’ll want to promote your content. With millions of new web pages showing up on the internet daily, it can be difficult to have your voice heard. Promote your content via your social media channels, cross promotions, and even paid ads if appropriate.